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Dyspnea- Shortness of breath


In our daily lives we feel breathless after a very strenuous exercise, at higher altitudes etc.

Even a healthy person may feel breathless after a sprint or a strenuous physical exercise. People living in the plains experience breathlessness in hilly or mountainous regions. It is because mountains at a high altitude has low level of oxygen in the atmosphere.

With exception to these, shortness of breath indicates a medical issue which is most unlikely associated with heart, lungs. Heart and lungs work in coordinated fashion in transporting oxygen to your tissues and removing carbon dioxide. A problem in heart or lungs can cause breathlessness.

Dyspnea is an unpleasant sensation of having difficulty breathing in feeling a tightness in chest. With dyspnea, faster breathing is accompanied by the sensation of running out of air. People feel as if they cannot breathe fast enough or deeply enough.

Shortness of bre

ath that comes on suddenly (called acute) has a limited number of causes, such as a severe allergic reaction, Asthma, Cardiac tamponade (excess fluid around the heart)COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) exacerbation — worsening of symptoms, COVID-19, Heart attack, Heart failure, Pulmonary embolism (blood clot in an artery in the lung),Upper airway blockage, to name a few. Experiencing shortness of breath due to sudden unknown reason, one must immediately consult a doctor.

Restrictive lung disorders in which lungs become stiff and require more effort to expand during inhalation.

Obstructive disorders happens due to narrowing of airways restricting airflow. Because airways narrow during exhalation, air cannot be exhaled from the lungs as fast as normal, and people wheeze and breathing is labored.

Sometimes, poor health and lifestyle of an individual contribute to severe diseases. Smoking can worsen symptoms any underlying lung disease, so it is important to quit and to avoid secondhand smoke. At times, one may feel breathless due to obesity. Maintaining a good health, regular exercise, adequate intake of food(balance-diet) and water can prevent many disease in the long run.

If your lung condition is causing shortness of breath, you should consult a pulmonologist, or lung specialist. In addition to prescribing medication to treat your disease, they may suggest pulmonary rehabilitation, which can greatly improve quality of life by helping people with chronic conditions safely improve their fitness and learn how to manage their symptoms.



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